Uncovering History

The MidtownKC Post Helps Tell Midtown’s Story

A slightly obsessive block-by-block history of the Midtown Area of Kansas City.

Every Block Tells a Story

Previous Midtown history focused on fancy houses, fancy people and venerated institutions. We like those, too, but we also want to know about the not-so-fancy people, the not-so-perfect houses and the weird and wacky things that made Midtown what it is.


Midtown contains two dozen distinct neighborhoods. Some have been lost….others are changing…all are home to someone.


Some specific people stand out in Midtown history, including architects, developers and quirky residents. Not always the ones you have heard about before.


Immigrants helped build the Midtown neighborhoods of today. They came from Ireland, Sweden, Germany and other places.

Black history

Midtown had its own Black neighborhood, Steptoe, and boasts lots of other Black history.


Dance halls, movies theaters, parks and other places where Midtowners played.

Development Trends

Automobiles, streetcars, and a move from downtown to the south…see the trends that influenced Midtown.


Churches, schools and other important institutions followed people to Midtown…and created communities around their edges.

Historic Districts

Midtowners love the character of their historic districts.

Weird Stuff

Some stories don’t fit into any other category, but they just have to be told.


Each major street has a unique history. From Valentine Road to Warwick, from Southwest Trafficway to Troost, find stories by street.

Development Trends

Streecars, automobiles, and the new suburbs to the south all helped formed today”s MIdtown.



Commercial Districts

Our unique districts like the Plaza and Westport make Midtown unique and fun.

Historic Districts

Midtowners love the character of their historic districts.

Weird Stuff

Some stories don’t fit into any other category, but they just have to be told.







Links to More Cool Midtown Stuff

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