Armour Boulevard Was the Place to Beat the Heat


A century ago, Kansas Citians often headed outside on hot summer nights like these. And one popular spot was always Armour Boulevard, a place where people from all walks of life were likely to show up.

The Kansas City Star in 1905 described the scene.

“The boulevards are the most popular breathing spots at night during the heated term in Kansas City. From sunset until midnight most of the boulevards are thronged with pleasure seekers on foot and in all sorts of vehicles. The $7,000 motor car and the humble express wagon drawn by a $20 horse; the capitalist and the wage earner, the society matron and the servant, there meet on a common level and enjoy life to its best.

The paper said the most popular vehicle was the family “carry all,” usually drawn by one horse. But cars were also quite visible; each had 4-5 lights so that they could be spotted from blocks away.

“The motorists pay little attention to the speed regulations and some rush by the horses with an utter disregard of the fright they cause the timid horses,” the paper reported.

The ladies preferred wearing smart riding suits and parade Armour Boulevard on their horses. And for kids, the biggest thrill was riding their wagons down the hills around Armour.

1 thought on “Armour Boulevard Was the Place to Beat the Heat”

  1. According to CB, my dad, families slept on blankets in Swope Park in August. 1920s and 30s?. He said it was just as sweltering, but more fun.

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