Time for a new toilet? There’s a rebate from the city

Reposted from City of Kansas City

As part of the City’s efforts toward energy efficiency, WaterWorks! is offering $100 rebates to Kansas City, Missouri residential property owners and tenants after the purchase and installation of an approved high-efficiency toilet. By upgrading your standard toilet to a high-efficiency model, you can save approximately 6,000 gallons of water per year. For your convenience, the rebate application, including guidelines and instructions, is attached. Please also take advantage of the free toilet recycling program (recycle it as concrete), see application for details. For additional information about WaterWorks!, visit https://www.bridgingthegap.org/waterworks

WaterWorks! is a water conservation and education program provided by Bridging The Gap and supported by the City of Kansas City, MO’s EnergyWorks KC program. The City of Kansas City, MO’s EnergyWorks KC program is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Better  Buildings Neighborhood Initiative Program.” EnergyWorks KC’s mission is to improve the energy efficiency of existing building in our city.






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