Splash mob rallies in Hyde Park for fountain repair

The Splash Mob Fountaineers, complete with paint and murals, gathered at the Eagle Scout fountain in Hyde Park on Saturday.

The rally at 39th Street and Gillham Road is part of an effort by the City of Fountains Foundation to raise about $2.6 million to repair fountains in the most need.

The Fountaineers are from the Arts Tech program for youth and will be going to many fountains to call attention to the effort.

On Saturday, they handed out cards with a creative figure of Fontis, (“keeper of fountains” in Latin,”) that ask others to become fountaineers.

That scout fountain has already attracted a major backer. Shortly after the foundation campaign kicked off at Union Station this month, a donor gave $133,500 for repairs to the fountain, which is made up of what was an entrance to the demolished Pennsylvania Railroad station in New York.

The donation will pay for a new pump and electrical transformer, upgraded lighting, cleaning and other site work.

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