Community centers switch to healthier snacks

Courtesy Kansas City Parks and Recreation Department.

Courtesy Kansas City Parks and Recreation Department.

The parks department is beginning to remove vending machines and switch to healthier snack options at all of its community centers.

The transition begins today at the Westport-Roanoke Community Center and others.

According to the department, there were numerous requests for healthier snack options, so they did a survey to see what people wanted.

“More than 80% of respondents felt that healthier options were important with top motivators for purchasing being affordability (68.42%), followed by convenience (45.61%) and nutrition (43.27%). The top healthier options chosen include trail mix, granola bars and protein bars,” the department says.

So the new menu includes granola bars, fruit snacks, protein bars, PowerAde 0 and bottled water. Prices range from $.50 to $2 per item and can be purchased at each center’s front desk.

The program is partially funded by a Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Grant the Health Department received from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

One Comment

  1. Elise says:

    Excellent news. Good job Westport-Roanoke Community Center !

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