Women lawyers and city court officials work to help

muni-courtIn the wake of the Ferguson killing, municipal courts have been attacked for widespread jailing of the poor over tickets.

But there are people who have long worked against this and still are.

More than 40 local people, mostly women, are moving ahead after the Kansas City Municipal Court and the Association of Women Lawyers of Greater Kansas City resolved about 170 outstanding speeding and parking tickets for them.

Also from a municipal court press release today:

More than 40 volunteer attorneys and law students, municipal judges and city prosecutors helped through a program called Step Up.

It also helps women receive services from Operation Breakthrough and from shelters for domestic violence victims.

Warrants and charges created problems for the women in getting jobs, housing and social service benefits.

“They live in fear of being arrested but cannot turn themselves in because they also cannot afford to pay the associated fines and costs,” said Maureen Brady, personal injury lawyer and women lawyers’ board member.

After the women get probation and community service, they are sent to classes on building a life plan and on job-seeking skills.

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