Which Midtown neighborhood is the most walkable?

Screen shot of Walk Score site

According to Walkscore.com, a website that rates neighborhoods, Hanover Place is one of the most walkable neighborhoods in Kansas City. In fact, almost all midtown neighborhoods have great Walk Score ratings, making them very livable places.

Walkability  – the ease of hoofing it to a coffeeshop, bar or restaurant – is an increasingly important feature for many people. It’s a new way to rate our neighborhoods. Real estate agents use neighborhood Walk Score ratings to promote properties. Individuals can also look up Walk Score numbers to help them choose one area over another.

So did you ever wonder how your neighborhood got its rating, and whether its accurate?

The popular website walkscore.com has rated every neighborhood in Midtown; in fact, it has rated every neighborhood in the country. “Walk Score’s mission is to promote walkable neighborhoods. Walkable neighborhoods are one of the simplest and best solutions for the environment, our health, and our economy,” according to its website

How does Walkscore.com know so much about Kansas City? The website explains, “Walk Score uses a patent-pending system to measure the walkability of an address. The Walk Score algorithm awards points based on the distance to amenities in each category. Amenities within .25 miles receive maximum points and no points are awarded for amenities further than one mile. Walk Score uses a variety of data sources including Google, Education.com, Open Street Map, and Localeze.”

Kansas City overall has a Walk Score ranking of 92 out of 100, making it the 43rd most walkable city in the United States.

 Here are the Walk Score ratings for some Midtown neighborhoods:

  • Old Westport (Heart of Westport): 92
  • Hanover Place: 85
  • Plaza Westport: 84
  • Southmoreland: 82
  • North Hyde Park: 81
  • Roanoke: 80
  • Volker: 79
  • Valentine: 79
  • West Plaza: 78
  • Broadway Gillham: 77
  • Central Hyde Park: 68
  • Coleman Highlands: 65
  • South Hyde Park: 54

Do you agree with your neighborhood’s walk score? If not, did you know you can add or remove amenities to the Walk Score map, and that could change the Walk Score?  While all the technology for rating neighborhoods is great, Midtowners know their own backyards better than anyone. Let us know what you think of your neighborhood’s Walk Score and whether you would make any changes.




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