What happened last week in Midtown Kansas City?

Last week in Midtown Kansas City, an urban crime summit explores ways to reduce violent crime…the No Violence Coalition gets a million dollar grant for work in the Prospect Corridor….and Midtown turn-of-the-century luxury apartment gets renovated.

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We had a lot of news about public safety and crime prevention last week, with the attorney general’s Urban Crime Summit taking place in Kansas City. The police chief of New York City told the summit how that city has reduced murders, and the head of the Chicago crime lab blamed much of the homicide rate in this country on impulsive youth, cultural factors and the easy availability of guns. The Kansas City mayor, the Jackson County prosecutor and the U.S. attorney in Kansas City spoke in in favor of creating a Jackson County court docket for only gun cases at the summit.

Kansas City’s new crime fighting alliance, NoVA,  got a million dollar grant to tackle problems in the Prospect Corridor, which will allow it to expand its approach.

In news from city hall, 4th district Councilwoman Jan Marcason was elected president of the Missouri Municipal League. The city held a green fair, and honored neighborhoods including Center City and Ivanhoe ecological efforts.

We also brought you some glimpses into Midtown history, including a look at the old streetcar routes and how they impacted development of the city. We told you how history lovers can see high living in 1914 in an upcoming tour of the Baltimore Place apartments in Midtown, and previewed a historical exhibit coming up at the Harrris-Kearney Museum in Westport.

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