Lime shortage hits home: Gin and tonic with lemon?

limesYou may not have noticed a recent crisis, but it could affect your drinking habits.

The price of limes has jumped so high that some airlines have stopped serving them in drinks.

Think gin and tonic without them or margaritas made with lemons or chemical lime powder.

And will that lime twist always be there for drinks in bars nationwide?

The Associated Press reported Monday that the airline development is the latest in a sour situation for limes.

Farmers in Mexico have cut their supply because of flooding and drug cartel unrest. California lime production is down because of the draught, all while demand for limes for drinks, tacos and more is at a three-year high, the article reports.

It says the average price for a lime in a U.S. supermarket was 56 cents last week, up from 37 cents the week ending March 28 and 31 cents a year ago.

Not all airlines have eliminated limes, the article notes and JetBlue said it has never provided fresh fruit with drinks, just crystallized citrus additives.

There is hope the lime shortage will lessen in a few months.

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