Extension of 39th Street CID favored by council

Putting these protective guards around trees is one of the latest projects of the 39th Street CID, which is seeking renewal for 20 more years. The CID is also provides security and helps to market businesses in the area.

A decade ago, 39th street was among the first community improvement districts approved by the city council.

Since then the districts that involve extremely localized sales taxes or property taxes have spread so widely that council members talk of CID creep.

But there was no debate Thursday when the 39th Street CID asked to extend it for 20 more years.

Within minutes, the council voted unanimously to have the city manager draw up an ordinance to get it done.

Councilwoman Jan Marcason noted the vibrant mix of businesses on 39th from State Line to Southwest Trafficway and their success.

“We’re attracting people from across the state line to come and eat at the restaurants and shop at a lot of the boutiques,” she said. “It’s a gateway to Kansas City from the west.”

Councilman Jim Glover said, “Kansas money is very good money spent in Missouri; this is one of those places where that dynamic happens a lot.”

Hal Shapiro, one of the property owners in the CID, said its half-cent sales tax there raises about $120,000 a year that pays for private security, marketing and beautification.

It helped replace pedestrian lighting and pay for decorative boxes around trees.  It also paid for decorative stickers that have gone up around the city and for focus on social media promotion, he said.

“We are very proud of what we’ve done and very interested in continuing,” he said.

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